

Asikiramuni : Studies of a Ryukyu Dialect / Dictionary of Okinoerabu dialect (Sarah Ann Nishie)

[DOWNLOAD] Dictionary_of_Okinoerabu_dialect.pdf(342) (PDF: 1,533kB)


I hereby agree to the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (hereafter to be referred to as Kokugoken) to publish the vocabulary of Okierabumura which is the Appendix to my Master's thesis on the Internet. I agree that I will retain the copyright and that Kokugoken will have publishing rights. And that anyone using the data for any purpose other than just reading it will notify both myself and Kokugoken. Also, I agree that any methods which Kokugoken thinks suitable to protect the copyright and their publishing rights should be implemented.


Sarah Ann Nishie

Tue, 4 Mar 2014 06:53:12 +0900

連絡先(at markを@に変えてください)Sarah Nishie <NshSrh at mark aol.com>